Thursday, February 24, 2011


We are a generation of followers.

So many before us had been thinkers.

Real thinkers of their days.

Without the internet to answer their questions.

Mathematicians, writers, scientists, poets, painters, philosophers.

Unfortunately, the human race has been so full of thinkers

before our time,

That we youth do not really need to be thinkers.

Or at least that has been what we were taught.

Have a question,

Look it up on Google®, Yahoo®, Wiki ®...

You do not even have to sit and come up with possible solutions.

Graphing calculators are an honors student's best friend.

Even universities seem to discourage independent thought.

Large lecture halls specifically designed for long winded monologues.

Students copy only what the professor has to say.

You'd be lucky to have discussion at all.

Arguments and counter arguments must all be supported by another's idea.

Do not tell me you actually came up with that on your own.

There is no original thought anymore.

Yes, knowledge is free for everyone, or it should be,

but this knowledge is no longer worked for.

I am just a copy.

The clothes I wear.

The thoughts I think.

The silly bandz® on my wrist.

The Bat Signal® on my shirt.

The polish on my hands and feet.

The "style" of my hair.

The phone buzzing on my lap.

The ska blaring from my mac's speakers.

My joys, my angsts.

The Mt. Dew® on its way down my throat.

My beliefs were ultimately thought of by countless others.

I just kind of picked through them.

I am no leader of some revolution.

I am no independent thinker.

I am just a carbon copy of my Generation Y.

I go to university for a degree that will allow me to teach children.

Teach them to be just like their fellow students.

With the hope that they might break the mould.

I would like to think my stepdad is spending thousands of dollars

So that I may learn to teach children to be different.

Full of knowledge and wisdom beyond their years.

Here's hoping...

It certainly did not work in my case.

I am apathetic.

I do not watch the news unless my parents do.

I do not have a job.

I do not really know how to take care of myself when sick...

except to sleep.

I do not read the dictionary for fun.

Or willingly play Scrabble®.

I gave up on my saxophone after senior year at WGHS.

I never paint anymore.

I run from math.

Political discussion bore me.

I only enjoy philosophical discussions when half asleep.

I have a 3.5 GPA

But I do not feel any smarter.

More knowledgeable.

I can just barely name all of the states, most of their capitals,

and if lucky, their placement on a map.

I am utterly ordinary.

A copy of my generation.

And a poor one at that.



I'll try...

But, well...let's see how that works out.

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