Thursday, February 24, 2011

Winter Rainbow for Kristin

I love the way those beams hit the crystals

The light bounces in every direction

There are rainbows everywhere,

The colors are inexscapingly beautiful.

The sky above is blue as a robin's egg,

With white as pure as a bride's gown.

Birds fly around, waiting,

As if in anticipation of what's to come.

All that's around is just a preview for the

Beauty that is yet to come.

You can feel it in your bones, your heart.

But, for just a little while longer,

This winter yells at you to hold on just a bit,

It says,"I have treasure, I have adventure,

I have beauty beyond compare."

And I must agree, dear Winter,

You do have adventure, you do have treasure,

You do have a beauty for which I am lost for words...

But what is yet to come is so utterly exciting and

Wonderful, I can hardly contain my breath.

I am sorry Winter, but I often forget the treasures

That you offer me everyday,

But if you only understood.

The Birds, Sky, the Sun,

My skin, these all long for a warmth that cannot

Be found in you.

But I understand time, and the way things must be,

And so, I accpet you, and will accept your beauty,

And give you joy and wonder,

An adventurous spirit, and loving heart.

An appreciative soul.

A glowing smile.


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